Every Genius Has A Tinge of Madness

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year 2009!!!


So, it's finally approaching. 2009. According to Indian Standard Time, that's 5:20 hours more.

I know, it's REALLY hard to believe. Especially for people who aren't accustomed to change, such as me. And hard to cope with. 2008? Gone already. Last day. So it's time to make a new start. The usual words repeated as every new year comes along.

I seriously cannot tell how 2008's been. More like a complete mixed bag. Oh, and some neutral happenings, neither good nor bad. This has been one of the most eventful years of my life (which is pretty short, actually, so don't really try to go into it, if you'd bother to, that is). So, there was...a LOT.
2008, on the good hand, was EVENTFUL. Just how I like my life to be. Not much about school activities. No, this year it was all about friendship and fun. I had my first experience of reeeal drama queens, as we had all grown up and now people were turning more cunning (not me - I've always been quite innocent, much to my chagrin). Oh, and my first experience of getting into trouble at school. Trust me, this was my first. And trust my parents to blame it on my friends (then). It had something to do with a lot of gossip and spying and my Diary and all that, so no need to worry about it now - the story's tooooooo long. So I'd better keep you updated from 2009, that's one of my New Year Resolutions. What else? Yup, I withstood quite a bit of ragging and swearing, not that half of it wasn't my fault. That's also another story. But in the end, everything was alright. All's well that end's well, true enough. It ended well, but BORINGLY. I sincerely hope that the next year isn't as boring. There's a lot of stuff we could be doing, but we overlook the simpler things to go for doing something really "productive" which is a cause of boredom. Another is, like some people I've noticed have got a boring "atmosphere", I think you get me. Which I'm under sometimes. But it was a good year, not so bad. I'm sure everyone feels so, as there have been some national and international events affecting everyone. I quite liked this year, and I'm more than a little perturbed to be saying goodbye to it already. So, see you in 2009, Bye!!!
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