Every Genius Has A Tinge of Madness

Thursday, December 31, 2009


Here it is. It's finally here. Well, now it's 23:20. That means 40 more minutes to go. It'll probably be the end of the decade (starting from Y2K) by the time I finish this post.

2009: the definition of short and undulated. It was the same for the most part. Even the transition from school years was fine. The Bollywood film industry flopped, mostly. There was a dramatic change in my friends and feelings. But it ended well. BTW, Lunar Eclipse at midnight. New Year's Treat. The good? I learnt a LOT this year. In March, I'd my first Finals. The summer was boring but tiring, as there were family celebrations. And the school year? Yeah the system totally flopped. Because of a couple of pigs in Mexico, leading to a worldwide pandemic. A lot of precautions were taken here. Especially in my school breaking up all the celebrations. SWINE FLU. Thank God people aren't so scared of it anymore. The way people were acting, you'd think it was the Black Death all over again, but this time with pigs. By God's Grace we can have a 'fresh start' from now. I repeat, 'fresh start' as you'll have to write the 3rd digit of the year not as a zero. Whee.

This year I'm a teenager. By this year, I mean 2009. I turned 13 in December. It seems like a lot of responsibility. But the glitch's that parents think that freedom is synonymous with responsibility. This year I've fulfilled at least one resolution: to try my hardest at music. But it goes on. Until I achieve something up to my satisfaction in it.

Reflecctions....be back in the afternoon I guess. Right now I'm watching my adrenaline rush as I see Shahid Kapoor dancing on screen. Jashhn 200 2010. God, I guess I'll have to get used to typing only 1 zero.

                                             BOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S MIDNIGHT!!! 0:00

Need I say more????!!!

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