Every Genius Has A Tinge of Madness

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Heyyy its been a loong time...well actually I switched to Windows Live Spaces for sum time. But I will continue posting simultaneously here and there. I just came here for a short visit, as I have tests and can't manage to type out long stories, which are about the only things I can post to those who don't know me personally here. Any of you guys familiar with Sanskrit, the ancient Indian language? Yeah this verse is really really really weird and our whole class cracked up (laughing) trying to decipher it:

परान्नं प्राप्यम दुर्बुद्धे! मा शरीरे दयां कुरु ।
परान्नं दुर्लभं लोके शरीराणि पुनः पुनः ॥

Yeah all I no is that it's got something to do with food. By the way: first coincidental visitor!!!! Not to brag, but this is quite hard to believe fr me. A person came across this blog who just kind of knew my name and age and then her friend said that it looked like mine. they told my mom and then it turned out to be so!!! Yeah I think that's it for today cause I don't have much time.

Catch y'all later!