Every Genius Has A Tinge of Madness

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Long time no C

Okay, this is the first one of those comeback posts this year. I have been sort of busy and I'm in a rush now too, but I'm posting to assure you that I'm still alive and well, because I not always am.
         This week's been boring and sort of a rush - like those things you get all of a sudden after a huge, long bout of boredom. So right after exams comes this. By the way, I (and many others) have been bombarded with requests to blog and spread the word about SAVING THE 1411 TIGERS THAT ARE STILL LEFT IN INDIA (I so do not blame them)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well. This is to create awareness about that beautiful cat that we've all been so familiarly brought up with, not having a clue until well into primary school that their years were, in fact, numbered. Or at least, some of theirs. 
 As a personal favour, if any of you have pictures of haunted houses, please e-mail to flickflames@gmail.com . Will tell you the reason if the result turns out to be good (not the drawing, but the person).
      Will post when I have the time and energy...sorry but I'm not really satisfied with this post. Bye! 


Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Please don't regard the older post and DO NOT visit that site. I committed a blunder by typing in the wrong email address and am not able to access it. By the way we chucked the idea of the website, and hey, blogger, I'm back! Sooo we're gonna have a group on Facebook which I'll badge here and you guys can visit and join when it's created. If you don't have a Facebook account, please visit it.
       We're in February, one of my favourite months of the year. Not just because of the less number of days, but because of the season. It's not too cold, and that't the big break and the last month you get to enjoy school before the Angry Final Monster comes along. And your parents and teachers are its minions. No offence, but there is a certain way to study, and it is NOT reading mindlessly every hour of every single day in Feb (yeah, that's what it actually is) and subconsciously mugging half the thing up, but feeding it into your head with a certain interest that only occurs when you read it less often, and out of boredom, not to induce sleep. Which is rare, I'm sure, but it works for me. It's the same thing when you read fiction. You don't study it like in detail, but it goes into your head nonetheless. That's because your brain works in a slightly different way when you're concentrating with a different edge.
     Well, I'll conclude my lecture. Another reason why I like Feb is because of the Aquarius sign, people born under which I tend to mostly like. Oh,whatever.
I have been unsuccessful, as always, in contributing to the school magazine. It never strikes me to write when I want to and there is an actual deadline. Speaking of which, can anyone suggest a topic (in the form of a comment, email or FB wall post) for me to write about, that is, if you want me to write about it, and by the deadline that is TOMORROW (Feb 3rd)?!!! Will You Stay (Check older posts) is sort of personal and isn't in any way school related.

Do any of you like Hard by Rihanna? Well I sort of liked the video and the song is highly electronically exciting, even though it hasn't got any intelligible lyrics or up-to-Rihanna-mark vocals, and that it sort of insults bloggers. But I suggest cause it's a fun song, and people don't mind a little excitement now and then. Other than that, I suggest Russian Roulette and Fire Bomb from the same album, Rated R.

I'm really bored and well, I don't know much why, but I better go and worship what I need to. 10 points for guessing, Goodbye, and good night.