Every Genius Has A Tinge of Madness

Monday, August 22, 2011

Wassup??? :D

Hahahahaha. This could be my retirement plan XD High School sucks anyway. You've got soo many examples to confuse you and you end up worshiping a fictional character, even going up to the extent of thinking he/she is hot :O. That is THE LIMIT, I tell you, when you've got real people whose minds are so warped it's not hard to get something from them the way you need it ;). What you don't know is that your mind is also warped - for wanting such a thing :P ;). 

And that is why I said High School sucks. You have absolutely no clue of what you want, or who you are. And that is why I love Lady GaGa, even though her more-than-a-little conspicuous outspoken-ness unsettles me a bit. She knows what she wants and dares to be ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING. A mere pop sensation (yes, they are mostly hungry dorks) who loves her family has managed to inspire the world, and has overtaken Oprah Winfrey in the power women list :| :|

[Source: Simi Selects INDIA'S MOST DESIRABLE (or the world's) (I only watched it for the sake of it, not knowing Gaga's awesomeness. I actually believed she was in India or Simi's stupid studio or whatever)(She's coming in October. I do hope there isn't a mass outbreak of nausea or riots among us less liberal Indians)]

*People who can't come to terms with who you are don't have the BRAINS to accommodate you, and SUCK.
*Don't reveal much of what goes on at your place. Save it for the first visit, or just keep it secret unless there's an emergency. 
What I have learnt today, since I don't have the time or strength in my fingers to write in my "journal". 

Bye. :D 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Beat Da Heat

HOW ON EARTH was I ever capable of writing so good? I mean, not to flatter myself, but as good as I was when I last posted, to say the least??? As earlier, there isn't the steam engine of thought, the maturity, the substance. Has that anything to do with my life, which has been absorbed into music and a select few people lately?

It's supposed to be summer, and everyone in Bangalore's sure beating the heat. This has been the busiest summer in my life so far, and hope it doesn't digress like my quality of writing. You could call me a busy bee that doesn't sting :) 

Leads on my nameless band, "full of intolerable monkeys" [Sahana Subramanian's Nameless (Again) String, 4:2] Performance 2 on April 7th, 2011. Better than last time and what we expected, what with no sound system (except for elec guitar amps) and just one mic without a stand. Oh, and last minute additions. The video of our cover of The Climb can be checked out by my friends on Facebook. Other vids will be out soon, and I'll be sure to mention a link in the next post. And when that will be, God only knows :P. Care to buzz me, anyone? And disable the Snooze button?

Today was a typical Sunday and they bailed me out of House Arrest for a while :P. Only to get stuck at an Indian Wedding which was in desperate need of losing weight. The wedding was of a practically unknown person who was supposed to be connected to me via her cousin by marriage. Marriage alliances give way to more and more of them. Every damn part of it except for the food is pissing. Dressing up, showing up, doing so in an inconvenient setting, meeting unknown people, smiling fakely, having to buy a gift...This isn't to say that I am kanjoos. It's just too weird when you're not close enough to the hosts. Boy, I was glad to get outta there and spent the rest of the afternoon in a deep slumber, only to wake up and find that the blow-dryer's effects on my bushy hair where futile from then on. The ongoing battle between me and sleep. We maim each other and therefore ourselves too much, but neither fades into nonbeing. 

Alright, it's bedtime for both my laptop and me right now...Wish me luck to do some last minute planning and wake up early in the morning, so my day isn't a waste :)

Friday, February 25, 2011


Hey everyone!!! I'm 14 and 1/4 years now!! Almost!! I've finally overcome my fear of my age. Loving being the under-grown-dog. Speaking of which, there has been absolutely NO development on my blog the past few months, or years. I didn't even remember the last time I posted until I visited my blog to refer to an old post.
              Yeah, I read this article in Deccan Herald earlier this week about blogs dying. Come on, everyone. Keep something alive! It would be friggin weird if people start posting long notes or wall posts on FB about their opinions on everything and the latest stuff thats happened to em. Or Twitter. Social Networking and blogging have absolutely nothing to do with each other (other than services like Yahoo, Windows Live and MySpace which aren't very good social network bases and do not have a personalised blog feel). It'd be cool if there was a better link with Facebook and you could tag people in blog posts and post photo albums directly from there, etc. That would RULE. Facebook notes are, however, a different thing. They're not like online journals, which is what blogs started out as. They're spaces to type out miscellany. A lot of people do that on their blogs as well. Well, I think I'll take up the task of doing that.

One really great thing that's added to my life recently is the band that I've become part of :). It isn't the usual talk in my posts either. We meet regularly every Saturday...but you still can't say I own the band. It's owned by an organisation and most of us are underage so we have an instructor as welll...who's cool and without that organisation we'd never have the opportunity...So I would like to publicly thank Kalanjali and Mr. Apsalone Sathianathan for giving us this wonderful opportunity. I mean, seriously. :) :) :). We did a very amateur-sounding concert on December 30th, 2010. I went solo on the song Back To December by Taylor Swift. I actually bought the album Speak Now, and it's one of the few albums that's worth buying for every single song. Taylor's lyrics are much more mature than her usual high-school-romance joyride. They're stuff that people all over the world can actually relate to. Including me, though I don't know how.

My quality of writing and sense of humour has been botched by sources unknown. And known sources are the ones hardest to get rid of. Well, hope my talent goes into the right waste dump and gets recycled. That is, if it goes down the drain. Hope I still have the same amount of encouragement as I've had all these years. I've been carried away a LOT lately, and not by anything thats of any benefit to my life. I'd like to go back on myself. I actually swore to myself that I wouldn't be saying this, taht I would be in a happy place by now, but no. I'd like to have continued the way I was. As Taylor Swift (sorry for mentioning her again but this has to do with a certain friend's wall post) says in her song Fifteen (which is pretty old), "When all you wanted was to be wanted/ Wish you could go back and tell yourself waht you know now"...aptly describes my predicament...even though I'm one, sorry, 3/4 year away from being 15.  

Today? Well, thank God I've stopped keeping a diary. This makes me feel more secure as there are people watching. Or so I think. So I had to give this introduction speech on peer teaching, which I screwed up as usual. Peer teaching's cool. It makes you feel so in control. Love it.

Well, as I'm trying to overcome my part-time insomnia, I'd better go sleep. byeeee!